Class Placement at USMAPS

Ambitious Wanderer

New Member
May 15, 2015
So, I'm graduating this year and will be going to USMAPS, an achievement that I am proud of to say the least. The question about class placement is due to the fact that I have taken several dual enrollment courses in high school, in both math and English. In math I have taken both college algebra and a pre-calculus/trigonometry class earning a B average in both. My question is, do I have to retake them at USMAPS or will I get the opportunity to test out of them and take the AP calculus course? Does the same apply to English?
All and any answers are appreciated. :)
There are 3 math tracks at USMAPS:
1) AP Calculus
2) Precal
3) Algebra/Trig

Everyone takes Precal the first half of the 1st quarter.

The track that you will then be placed in will be determined by:
1) how you did in the first half
2) the teacher's recommendation
3) a basic skills test
4) SAT/ACT scores

There is an honors track that you can be placed in if you meet certain requirements after the 1st quarter
Hey bro! Congrats on the appointment!! PM me if youd like to chat. We have a group message going on with 18 of us that will be there next year. I can add you to that if youd like!