College Courses


5-Year Member
Jan 22, 2012
Hello..I am a College Freshman and NROTC student. Major Physics. I am unable to take Chemistry this semester due to scheduling conflicts. I've sat with my advisor many times...just can't make it work. Taking Naval Sciences, Calculus, Physics, Honors English and Scholars Colliquium. How unfavorably will the academy look upon my application without Chemistry? I am on NROTC Scholarship (Majoring in PHysics) so I must take Physics this semester. Thank you for your advise.
My educated guess is that it depends on how well you did in H.S. chemistry and at what level you took (regular, honors, AP). Given that you will be taking physics (hopefully calc based), that at least shows you aren't taking a "give me" course in place of a more challenging one.

Ensure you mention to your BGO the reason you could not enroll in a chemistry course.
My HS calculus/chemistry/physic courses were all AP and my gpa in all three was 97+. I have tried every which way to get this Chemistry class scheduled; no available. My final GPA in HS with all Honors/AP classes was 102.8. I was wait listed for usna class of 2016, so still hopeful
Not an expert but I would assume they'll understand a scheduling conflict, and you still have Physics and Calc, which are also recommended classes so that is in your favor.
My son, currently a Plebe, took Calc and Physics in college, and AP chem in high school. He had to make sure that if he did not get into USNA, he was set up to continue at his college with the proper courses for his major. That choice did not appear to hurt him.
I wouldn't worry to much about not being able to fit Chemistry into your schedule. I am currently counseling a young man who is reapplying. The college that he is attending this year operates on the quarter system, so he only takes 3 courses per quarter and is having the same difficulty as you in regard to course scheduling.
The Academy will look at the course load that you are taking, and I would also mention this to your BGO when you have your interview so that they are able to include your comments in their write-up.
Please remember that your candidate record will not be reviewed until your 1st semester grades have been received by USNA Admissions. I would make it a point to have the registrar send your grades as soon as possible.
Best to you this coming year :thumb:
Thank you for your comments. I am an NROTC Reciepent at UMD; with my unit at GWU. Therefore I have to take the metro MWF from College Park to DC and have to account for commute time back and forth; so the earliest I can take classes at UMD is 11:00; eliminating some very choice Chem/Physics classes/Labs. I will make certain that I take the most challenging courses I am able, and have admissions receive a note from my advisors. Thank you for your thoughts and advise.