contact dermatitis to hemp?


5-Year Member
Mar 11, 2014
I know this looks bad, but it wasn't from smoking it was from a type of shoe I wore that I bought at a store on a military base. Will this disqualify me?
This should be posted on the DoDMERB forum because it is more likely that people over there will be able to direct you to the answer. Asking it here would be akin to asking on the DoDMERB forum how soon after the exam will you get an appointment to an SA. Yes, they are tied to each other, but you will be better served to post in the right place.
I've already posted the DODMERB standard for contact dermatitis. If it is a medical condition that will cause problems if you are deployed to some God forsaken hell hole then it will probably be a disqualifier. If on the other hand it's not a chronic problem you may be DODMERB Q'd, DODMERB DQ'd or may receive a waiver. Until you see a doc and DODMERB makes a determination you won't know.
If it is a medical condition that will cause problems if you are deployed to some God forsaken hell hole then it will probably be a disqualifier.

That place has a name... It's called "Fort Bliss".
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