Cost of SA education


5-Year Member
Sep 8, 2010
In some of the threads, I have read that a SA education can be worth around $400,00. In the literature sent from USMMA they estimate the value there at about $185,00, Why the big difference?
It all depends on what you count and how you count it. There is the classroom education, room and board, summer training, etc. Valuation is subjective.
The "value" (as it was explained to me) is the cost to run the academy divided by the number of mids/cadets/etc. So included in the cost to run NA/MA/AFA might include many things that the MMA does not do, or does at a very much lower level. But one example; I undertand that NA will be busing X thousand Mids up to NJ this saturday for the game against Notre Dame. That is a cost that the MMA does not incur. Also and more to the point, if a Mid flys to Crete to meet his ship for summer cruise that expense might be added to the cost of running the NA.