DoDMERB Asthma Questions


5-Year Member
Apr 1, 2013
Hello, first I would just like to say I have been sort of watching this site from afar in the past and have learned many things from this site, so I wanted to say thank you to everyone here.

Here is my situation: I have received a conditional appointment to the USCGA and can't be more excited about it. After visiting in October I was sure it was the right place for me. I will do anything possible to make it to the Academy as a cadet.

The Problem: First DoDMERB gave me some simple remedials about orthodontics and a urology concern. Those turned out fine, but when we sent back the urology report some information regarding asthma medication I was prescribed in the past turned up and we failed to see it before we sent it to DoDMERB. Now DoDMERB has asked for my medical history since age 13, the "asthma age" I have learned. I am quite certain I will be disqualified for asthma and begin the waiver process.

The Bad: I have had asthma diagnosed before the age 13 and we never really strived to have it removed although I'm certain we could've. We just kept it going, just in case something happened, but nothing ever did. We didn't realize it would play such a large part in applying and attending a service academy.

The Good: I have had asthma medication perscribed for me for a while, but I have not used the medication in over 2 years. I play varsity Tennis, Basketball, Lacrosse, and exercise regularly with no need at all for the medication. My Doctor knows I do not have asthma and has removed the diagnosis, he is also prepared to write a letter to DoDMERB on my behalf arguing my case.

My question is do you have any advice for what my plan of action should be regarding the waiver process? What would be the best appeal I could make to the Academy? Anything in general or from personal experience with an asthma waiver? Thank you for anything you can do.

There is a ton of good advice on this topic under the DODMERB thread. What you will read is that know one can tell you your chances because each case is different. You will be disqualified. You most likely will be required to take a spirometry test and methacholine challenge test and those results will go a long way towards determining your chances for a waiver. In addition to those tests you may want write a letter to be included in your DoDMERB file that explains how active you are without any medications. Good luck, it sounds like you have a good handle on the situation. Also, be patient because it can be a slow process.