DODMERB Qualification


5-Year Member
Apr 4, 2012
Hi, I am a 19 year old college student looking to join AFROTC. I filled out the paperwork this past week, but was warned about a potential problem with my physical. I have a stutter. I was told to be upfront with them about it by the Det Personnel. I have read that if they detect a stutter (or I guess if you tell them) they make you read a paragraph outloud. That, I can do. I do not stutter when I read normally. But if I am still denied, is there any hope for me in the waiver process. I am an Eagle Scout, Boys State Alumni and have always wanted to serve. I would be willing pay to take Speech Therapy classes if that means getting a waiver. I however, do not want to sound this desperate when talking with the review board though. Any help or advice would be appreciated. My only concern is that if they detect it and even if I read the paragraph perfectly, they still may deny me and continue to throughout the waiver process. So, pretty much, is it worth it for me to go through with the process? I really just don't want to deal with the burden of defeat if I can't get into ROTC because there won't be many positives, if any, to take out of the whole thing. Thanks.
DoDMERB only does the DQ process, it will be up to the AF to decide to grant the waiver.

I understand you are willing to pay for speech therapy, but that is not the "big" issue.

The AF must look at the big picture, and a stutter can tie their hands from an operational career perspective. I.E. rated is an issue because you must talk during a mission run. Intel is an issue because you will brief aircrews. Thus, for them it is now an issue from a rated and non-rated perspective.

Once commissioned they pick up that medical tab. If that means speech therapy for yrs it is on their dime. If you stick it out for 20 yrs, and still require this therapy they are financially on the hook until the day you die.

Accepting you with a pre-condition issue is a financial burden because they accept the fact and will pay for it as long as you are in the military and maybe the rest of your life.

Additionally, they will look at it from a PCS/deployed perspective. If you need that therapy, be it weekly, monthly, bi-annual, etc. it will also place limitations on them from a personnel perspective. I.E. can they send you to Korea, Kuwait or Turkey for a remote if they don't have a speech therapist at that base?

It is not personal, it is business.

Finally you do not talk to the review board. The way the system works is DQ occurs, waiver is submitted, board for that branch looks at the regs for the issue and your medical history. You never meet the board and defend your personal position.

AFROTC may deny the waiver and A/NROTC may approve it. Branch has the final say!

I would suggest you move forward and accept the fact that this is not in your control. It is not like you can do anything about it, it is what it is. You have no control over the stutter. I know you want to serve, and I thank you for wanting to step up to the plate so my children can live free. If it works out, GREAT! If it doesn't than there are other ways to obtain that goal. Go Homeland. Go to Lockheed and design the 7th gen jet! Go to Rand! Go to your MOC and be involved in their VA/military arm! Each and everyone of these things are just as important as the AF, because without them the AF would not be as strong!
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