DoDMERB status change


5-Year Member
Oct 24, 2012
My status recently changed from "remedial request" to "pending waiver request/review" :thumbdown:. However, I am not exactly sure how it changed. I never receieved or submitted anything for a remedial.The DQ was for an x-ray I had on my shoulder due to a dislocation (no other medical assistance was used).

Also, how do I begin the waiver process?
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but...the dislocation itself is an automatic DQ through DoDMERB. The Medical Code is: D225.00 History of any dislocation, subluxation, or instability of the shoulder. You will ALWAYS be DQ'd because of the injury - regardless of your recovery.

You'll need ask your admissions contact for a waiver review. The SA may or may not grant your request depending on how competitive a candidate you are.
Thank you.

I am actually contacting DoDMERB, because if you look at my medical records it technically was not a dislocation. I had the x-ray because my shoulder was popping and mom became concerned. When we talked to the doctor about the popping he put down "recurrent dislocation" as the reason for the x-ray. But, the x-ray results came back as negative to any issue. Shortly after, the popping stopped (we believe it had something to do with growth). My shoulder was never in any pain or inhibited in any way.
I hope you get the good news from DoDMERB! Stick with it. Patience is key in this process :) Best of luck to you!!