Dozens of U.S. troops feared killed as NATO helicopter crashes in Afghan offensive

I'm sure if anyone can get to the bottom of this, it's the crack investigative reporters at the Beaufort Observer.

I love the quotes from their "highly experienced military officer" and the info they've gotten from their "military contacts." If truth was paramount in journalism, they'd have to describe the officer as "some Marine we know at the air station down the street, who is not in special operations, was not there, and has no first-hand knowledge of this situation at all, but he spent some time in theatre so we'll call him our expert and let him anonymously play armchair quarterback in the newspaper."

The fact is that we will know what we need to know, when we need to know it, and nothing more. Not everything, even tragic mishaps, is for public consumption.
Absolutely- they were on a mission in a war zone and it went bad. I don't know why people feel compelled; with no first hand knowlege of the conditions, personnel, experience, urgency involved; to second guess. Its enough to know that in the course of this mission- one which involved experienced personnel, soldiers died. Don't dishonor them with petty backbiting and "what iffing". I guarantee that is NOT what those men would want for their legacy. The newspaper and the anonymous internet sharpshooters don't know.
Absolutely- they were on a mission in a war zone and it went bad. I don't know why people feel compelled; with no first hand knowlege of the conditions, personnel, experience, urgency involved; to second guess. Its enough to know that in the course of this mission- one which involved experienced personnel, soldiers died. Don't dishonor them with petty backbiting and "what iffing". I guarantee that is NOT what those men would want for their legacy. The newspaper and the anonymous internet sharpshooters don't know.

With the personnel lost, I sure that there will be a thorough review of how the operation was managed done by the folks who know. Lessons learned will not be shared with the press. I think the press is looking for a leader to blame, which if there is will be done outside of the public spotlight, as you don't create a special ops environment willing to take measured risks by publically hanging leaders when things go wrong.