DQ Advice for Parents

Ds is dealing with an AMI concerning an incident that occurred when he was 9 that we are unable to obtain since the therapist passed away 5 years ago and the counselling center disposed of his records. Hoping that a letter from the center will at last satisfy the reviewers. If not, Mr. Mullen will no doubt be hearing from my ds. ;) Thank you all for keeping the hope alive.
Chiming in here to read paragraph #4 (i.e., your DS/DD must lead the process). My daughter has already been denied her waiver request so we are submitting more info but would really welcome an opportunity to speak to someone :)

Having this all done via e-mail and led by our daughter (we do assist when asked) is really hard as it feels we are at strike #2 and know what strike #3 means (the end). :(
Mr. Mullen,

My daughter e-mailed you at 9:09am CST and you advised we were in contact with the "center of gravity" . Your response to her was that I (the Dad) needed to read paragraph#4. I was aware of this at a high level and thought it worth sharing on this "Advice" post...

Thank you again for the time and effort you put forth to help our wonderfully talented sons and daughters thru this process.
SuBPaR - The honor and privilege is ours indeed. The "center of gravity" used to be a DoDMERB teammate of ours and then moved on to be the fulcrum of the USAFA medical waiver process. Because the waiver authority has moved at the direction of the SecAF for the Class of 2025, she is serving as the on-site fulcrum @ USAFA and the actual medical waiver authority in San Antonio. She is the Best of the Best :wiggle:
Mr. Mullen,

Thanks and I wish we had the opportunity to talk to someone to understand better the objections along with some thoughts on how to address. That is the missing piece of the puzzle (and maybe that is by design)?!?

Best Regards!!

PS - It doesn't seem to have any bearing if she already has her letter of appointment (better classified as "conditional appointment")
1. DS has all the information.
2. “I’ve read the response to DS. The “Center of Gravity” did a superb job in explaining why and what would be required for reconsideraton. Given the volume and workload, we don’t always have time for phone calls, which turn into debates, when the answers provided via email was comprehensive and superb.” :wiggle:
Mr. Mullen,

Thanks for taking the time to respond to DS! It is appreciated.
We decided to have our son see a therapist three years ago. No hospitalization and no medicine. He never missed school and continued playing sports. He was DQed by DODMERB. Waiver process has already been started. Are you saying it will take 22 months? Also, is the further documentation supposed to go to the Academy directly?
RevDrKEDSR = YOU = Google "DoDMERB;" Hit "Questions on the process;" Read paragraph 4

Son = send me an email: lawrence.e.mullen.civ@mail.mil; provide complete name and last 4 SSN; paste your PARENT'S posting to YOUR emai; I can assist you better from there:wiggle:
We decided to have our son see a therapist three years ago. No hospitalization and no medicine. He never missed school and continued playing sports. He was DQed by DODMERB. Waiver process has already been started. Are you saying it will take 22 months? Also, is the further documentation supposed to go to the Academy directly?
First, it should be clear in the communications where to send any documents they are requesting, I would refer to that. Secondly, why would you assume 22 months? Because that's how long it took for one individual? If you read through this thread, you will see that our DS's DQ was resolved in a matter of weeks. As you will read in all the posts here - each situation is unique. I know it can be stressful as we were just in your situation, but if you take time to read the information in this thread (we tried to post about each step and how long it took) and others, I think it will be helpful. Of course, Mr. Mullen has also responded to your post so be sure to to pay attention to his communications. Take a deep breath and good luck to you and your DS.
As things have now come full circle, I wanted to update this thread. DS received an appointment to USAFA! He is thrilled and we are so proud of him. THANK YOU! to everyone that helped us through the DQ and waiver process and more importantly for the great feedback and parenting advice. I really appreciate so many of you on this forum and I know this board will continue to be a resource moving forward.
Our honor and privilege to serve :wiggle:
Another quick update for reference and future readers. He has since responded to two different AMI's on the same DQ. He now has a medical appointment, that as we guess, is meant to give him a final clearance. At least that is how we are interpreting based on the previous AMI which further confirmed his medical concern has presented zero ongoing issue. Of course, we don't know for sure, nor will we ever....we're just waiting for the magical words "waiver granted."

Otherwise, everything has moved along quite expeditiously with the "next step" always posting within 24 hours or so in the appropriate portal and DoDMERB has been very responsive and easy to work with 👍
Good evening and thank you for referring me back here. A lot of good information. Question, what type of supporting documentation did you provide to get the medical waiver approved?
Good evening and thank you for referring me back here. A lot of good information. Question, what type of supporting documentation did you provide to get the medical waiver approved?
Exactly what was requested during the waiver review, no more, no less. It wasn't up to us, our DS or our Doctors. They will tell you what they want. What was requested for our situation has no bearing on what will be requested for yours - way too many variables for that to be helpful to you. If a waiver is requested just respond to the AMI's completely and as soon as you can.
Another Update: Today his DoDMERB Portal updated to "Waiver Granted." Nothing on his SA portal yet.....but I think his medical review process is now complete. Trying to temper my excitement until the SA portal confirms but I believe "Waiver Granted" on the DoDMERB portal means he's good to go.
Just read this entire post - it is a marathon thank you for sharing your story. My DS has had to provide some AMI data regarding a learning diagnosis from when he was 8! Anyway - all data points to success - no accommodations or meds for high school so hoping he receives a pass soon - SO stressful.
Poster2025 is 101% correct! We don't even guess what the waiver folks will want for a variety of reasons:

1) Don't know if the applicant will be considered for a waiver, so the last thing we want to do is hassle an applicant for unnecessary "stuff."
2) We don't want say "go get records...get a consult...other, when that waiver authority...for that applicant...they don't need anything, because they are going to grant or deny the waiver as is.
3) Other:wiggle: