Dropping a Sport to do Theatre


5-Year Member
Sep 7, 2014
I was wondering if anyone could give their knowledge and opinions to a question I have. I am currently a junior and have played Tennis for two years, even playing some varsity last year. My issue being that I am also involved in theatre and would like to do the spring show which would conflict with tennis. I am on the bowling team this is my first year, I am varsity, though I am not really sure if the Academy considers bowling a sport. So if I decide to do the play instead of playing tennis, will it weaken my application since I won't necessarily have a sport the last two years of high-school? I understand no one can tell me for sure but opinions are appreciated.

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I was in two varsity sports all four years of high school AND in theatre. I assure you, when you go before nomination panels and they see that they will be wowed, as I'm sure the Academy will be. This combination (along with other ECAs) not only shows time management but also a more well rounded person that enjoys the arts and athletics. Try to make them both work. Talk to your coach and your theatre director and work out a plan. If you really want to do both then they'll work with you.

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Sadly I have already discussed that with both my coaches and director and since the practices and rehearsal are at the same time I won't be able to do both. Thanks for the advice though!

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I would say continuing a sport would have more impact on your file, unless you were the director of the play. If you want to do a play, do it the Spring of your senior year.
It's a shame that the coaches won't work it out. My son had a wrestler on his team who had a wonderful voice. He would go to practice then race over and was in the school musical. They made it both work, and I agree, that looks very good.
If you can't do that, you should do what you enjoy. If you really like the play, do it, then join track or cross country or another spring sport. Switch to a club tennis team outside school.
There are always more options if you get creative.

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I agree with USMAROTC. I get wanting to do something you truly enjoy, but the system is what it is. I would also say what everyone always says....have plan B in place, in this case I am assuming AFROTC scholarship.

AFROTC scholarship is different. Nothing you do in your senior year counts, exception is SAT/ACT scores. Your ECs and academic curriculum will only be reviewed through your junior year. Thus, for you it would mean you have no sports after your sophomore year.
Do whatever you want to do. As mentioned, you can always make up athletics by getting involved in another sport besides tennis. But the truth is: Unless you can show some sort of leadership experience you are having in the theater production such as the director, it won't mean much to the academy if they see you did that for 2 years with no athletics. As Middy pointed out, the RIGHT ANSWER is to DO BOTH. That's what the academy wants. They don't want just the Jock. They also don't want just the BRAINIAC. They want the well rounded person who FINDS A WAY to do it all. Maybe it's not tennis. Maybe it's track, basketball, baseball, lacrosse, etc. I can name you plenty of cadets and grads on this forum and off that have found a way to do it all. In the IB program or all AP classes; 200-400 hours of volunteer time; 2-3 varsity sports; captain of some of those sports; also class leadership like Class President, VP, Treasurer, etc. Involved in 1-2 clubs/activities with leadership positions. If you want the academy and want to provide the best application possible, you'll find a way to "Do it all". Maybe it's not tennis and theater. Maybe it's theater and track. But remember also....... Just being a PARTICIPANT doesn't impress the academy. They'd rather see you involved in 2-3 activities a year with LEADERSHIP roles in them; than to be involved in 5-6 activities simply as a PARTICIPANT.

Best of luck to you. Mike.
Thanks for everyone's opinions. There may be a way I can kind of do both I won't be able to do the show but there are some other, smaller opportunities for theatre performance that I could do concurrently with tennis.

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