drug testing at USAFA

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May 17, 2010
I am planning on applying for the USAFA for Class of 2015. The last time I smoked marijuana was just about a year ago and I DEFINITELY plan on not EVER DOING IT AGAIN! Will this effect my chances on getting in? I am very motivated to get in and something that stupid is not worth the risk. Any suggestions? I am VERY SERIOUS when I say I'm not doing it again!
When you apply, you will be asked if you have EVER used.

Be honest...and when they say "how often..." Be HONEST.

Because they WILL check up on you.

even if i did it almost two years ago? cause I heard what it can do to my brother and I dont want that to happen to me... Will it effect my chances of an appointment? I have been clean for two years
I believe the question on the form asks if you have "ever".

You can either answer it honestly or dishonestly. Honestly and take your chances on the appointment. Dishonestly and risk they find out and kick your butt out later.

Quickest way out of the USAFA is with an honor violation from what I'm told.
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