Duct tape, super glue, and packaging tape


5-Year Member
Nov 24, 2009
We received a letter today and were asked to send duct tape, super glue, and packaging tape. The rest of the requests were understandable...shampoo, writing materials, etc. I mailed right away, but would like to know what they are used for? Any ideas?

Overall the letter seemed pretty good. Concern over how much harder it was going to get and missing family, but said overall enjoying being there. Thanked us for helping her get there.
How sweet that she can see the hard work you guys put in to help her get there. That shows that she is very level headed and knows what hard work is all about. THanks for sharing and no, I do not know what the duct tape, super glue and packing tape is all about unless it has to do with academic or recognition.
did your DD ask for safety pins???? You probably don't want to know what those items are for- at our parents meeting we were told to be on the look out for strange requests- and grant them!

Love hearing what everyone's DD and DS is writing!
Haven't heard from my DS, just another mom who's son is in the same company. An iron was requested so I sent one and an ironing board, table top kind. I know he will need a swiffer but which one?
The duct tape is for their inspection drawer. They tape all folded items in so they stay perfectly neat. Safety pins are for holding sheets tight. Not sure about the rest. I'm betting it would help them to send the odd things requested! We'll hear the full reasoning soon enough, I'm sure, and will enjoy the stories.
duct tape is mostly used to tape your rack. we don't sleep under the sheets because they are taped to our mattresses with about 5 pounds of duct tape. the super glue is probably to glue the belt tap to the belt buckle.
Hi, I'm glad to hear shes happy, my son is saying similar things. I do know the duct tape helps with blisters from running and is better than a band-aid in the water. I remember reading that in a plebe tip somewhere along the research. Good luck and enjoy the phone call home.
One of the best treatment, and pretreatment for blisters is mole skin. It comes in two sheets approximately 4 x 6. Super sticky on one side and very soft, felt like material on the other. You cut the moleskin to fit your need. My DS has used it in his cleats for years, either on his foot or adhered to the boot. It does not come off easily, so even when sweating, it will stay on the foot. I myself use it on every vacation where I walk -- just trim a piece off, stick to offensive area -- no more rubbing. I have even used it when a piece of clothing was rubbing my DD's waist and we could not change the shorts while touring. Very versatile. Easy to pop into an envelope and mail.

Purchase it near the Scholls insert foot products. Well worth the price (about $3 per pkg, 2 sheets to a pkg) and even our local grocery carries it. Be sure your DS or DD has scissors to trim. I packed all of this in both my DS athletic bag and his sea bag.

As far as the glue, tape, etc., the other mids comments are right. The more supplies to basically duct tape, staple, or pin everything in place, roll lint off anything, trim nubs off of blankets, glue down, dust, clean, etc., is valuable to them. That was another bag of supplies that went with my DS. I sent several bags of handi wipes that are sold in flat pkgs, disposable dust rags with the cleaner, tide pens, etc. I know these things will come in handy before inspection and help them to keep their room clean. These will be a permanent part of many care packages that go out this year!

I hope this helps! :thumb: