Equivalent of Navy Khaki's: Coast Guard Service Blues?


10-Year Member
Jul 19, 2009
Thought of something today when I saw that the khaki uniform for chiefs and officers was turned down by the uniform board. Why don't we just create a new, unique Coast Guard uniform? Take the Winter Dress Blue shirt, make it short sleeved, and have people where collar devices with and you have a sharp looking, uniquely Coast Guard Service Uniform.
So you want to model a uniform after the Navy to have a unique looking USCG uniform?

The equivalent is Tropical Blues. The Coast Guard used to have the same uniforms, but after having multiple squids ask for date from Coasties in WWII, Adm. Bender switched to the "Bender Blues".

Winter Dress is sharp. You don't want to start having the thousands of required uniforms the Navy has...which they were trying to get away from too.

There was a uniform called "Undress" when the Coast Guard still had working blue uniforms (pre-ODUs).