
Can someone tell me if CrossFit is available for the freshman to do? Also what times do they work out?

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Several cadets do CrossFit. Talk to your squadron after BCT to get the details. Again, follow the chain of command.
This year was kind of weird for CrossFit because the gym's been under construction, so there weren't really organized workouts available for the majority of the wing. There was still an organized group that went down and did the CrossFit Open this spring at affiliates in the springs, and word on the strips is that CrossFit will be more accessible (as in previous years) this coming school year.

Your sophomore coach will be a good person to ask for information, but a better resource will be Blue Rush (club day at the beginning of the school year.) Get in touch with CICs for the clubs you're interested and keep in touch as you need to.

Some great advice I got before BCT was to play club involvement by ear for at least the first half of the semester-some cadets find it difficult to balance school, k-tests, PE classes and prep for the AFT/PFT, and sleep before even considering adding a club obligation. For others, clubs are a necessary mental break from the rest of the Academy. Just do whatever you need to do to make sure that you can perform your main duties (meaning school, military, fitness) well before adding anything else.