Females at usna


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Apr 8, 2009
i know males need to have their hair cut for plebe summer. is this true for females.

also, is their a forum for current females in the academy, preferably someone who has just completed plebe year?
IIRC, so long as the hair can be put up into a bun or other arrangement such that it does not fall past the collar and does not interfere with the proper wearing of the cover (hat), then you're fine.

As for your second question, you're pretty much in it. :)
In the recent past, plebe women had their hair cut so that it would not fall below the lower edge of the uniform collar -- a parallel experience to even the plebe experience up for both sexes, since the guys get their hair cut to the nub. Not sure what the plan is this year -- like everything else, "traditions" can change. If it does get cut, so what, take the long view -- it all grows back, and the shorter hair is less of a bother during plebe summer. And, it separates plebe women from upperclass women, who most definitely grow their hair out and put it up IAW grooming standards.

At USNA, I'm pretty sure there are no support groups specifically for women, though I know you didn't specifically ask that. They've been there since 1976 and in the military a lot longer than that, and the percentage of women has steadily climbed. Support will come from room-mates, company mates, classmates, team-mates.

There is the Captain Joy Bright Hancock group, open to all, which has a focus on Navy leaders who are women.


This forum is a SUPER place to get questions asked and answered.
You have to cut it so that it is not always in your eyes, and it is above the edge of your collar. Or at least my class was, and I'm in 2012. Nothing has come out saying that 2013 is going to be any different.

As a girl who's currently a plebe going through this place, I can answer any sort of female-plebe questions you may have.
Hot damn. Another NYC Mid.

I was once one of those. :biggrin:
NYCUSNA2012, nice of you to offer a current perspective. Only a few more weeks till no mo' plebes! Hope you're sat, all is well, and you are looking forward to summer training.
Man, oh man, Hernon cannot come any sooner, I swear, especially with my company going back to basics at this point all over a ridiciulous issue.
There is a Yahoo Group for female grads; however, it really is just for grads and I don't think the posts there would be particularly useful to future/current mids. You might check Yahoo Groups re something for current female mids but I've not heard of anything.

As for hair, in my day, we had to have it cut so that it was above the collar all 4 yrs. I know that, not long after we graduated, USNA allowed female mids to adhere to the USN standards (can be longer provided that, when put up, it is above bottom edge of collar). I also thought they allowed this for plebe summer for awhile but may be wrong about that.

In any event, if they require you to cut it for the summer, that's a good thing and, if it's not required, do it anyway. Other than Sundays, you will absolutely NOT have time to do anything but wash it. I can't remember a single time during Plebe Summer that I blew my hair dry or styled it or did anything other than run a brush/comb through it other than Sunday morning. That changes during Ac Year but in the summer, a short, easy-to-care-for style is your best friend. Seriously.
LinkedIn: Academy Women

usna1985 and other SA alumnae, if you are on LinkedIn, there is a new group, Academy Women, as well as many other SA alumni/military/community groups. I keep up with several former mids, USNA staff on there.
Probably not of much interest to an incoming plebe woman, but nice to know a sisterhood is growing out there.