First Class Detailer positions.


5-Year Member
Dec 23, 2010
Does anybody know how the first class detailer positions are divvied up? How does one get a Plebe Summer Detailer position vs. a NAPS detailer position. Is it volunteer, competitive or an assigned duty? Also, how many Plebe Summer/NAPS detailer positions are there? What do you do if you do not have a detailer duty to perform during the summer. Just curious.
This varies from company slightly, but it depends on Midshipmen training schedules for the summer and a Midshipmen's desire to be a detailer. Some Midshipmen schedules are already full with internships, cruises, summer school, Leatherneck, Mini-Buds, sailing, exchange programs, Protramid, dive school, and a million other things out that are out there. I know things change slightly from year to year on training requirements and availability. Traditionally one training block is pretty mandatory with some type of cruise: surface cruise, YPs, aviation cruises, subs, and other items. The other training block usually allows more flexibility to tailor to specific interests, some of these require selection processes to even be considered for the training. Again... this varies from year to year, what class you are, funds available, Supt guidance, etc. Generally as a Mid progresses they get more flexibility on the type of cruises they can select to allow more exposure in areas they are considering service selecting.

For detail selection, most companies it is a selection process. For Midshipmen who desire to serve on Battalion and Regimental staff for detail their is an application/interview process. For those who want to remain at Company/Platoon level it is usually a matter of matching up schedules, desires, interviews, and placement by company staff. Company officers and senior enlisted advisors are looking for solid teams to be assembled as the detailers must work well together as it is a long summer of little sleep and a fast paced schedule. Each company provides squad leaders and a platoon commander for each set of detailers. Each company also provides detailers for a mix of positions at the company level. Normally each academic year company fills the Company Commander Position for one set of detail and then it moves to their sister company for the other set of detail. Same goes for positions such as XO, Ops, Admin, etc. Competitiveness can range from year to year for these positions. My second class year (when they were still squad leaders) it was very competitive. My firstie year, they had to draft people.

NAPS detail is also done through a selection process. Again this can be a very competitive process, it all depends on the year and training schedules how competitive these positions can be.
A lot depends on the company. In my company, there was basically a sign up sheet on the company commander's door. If you wanted plebe summer, you signed up with block/job preference. From then on it was an interview process.

We were lucky in that enough people wanted it to have it be slightly competitive, and that the people who did want it were all solid candidates. Consequently, people were matched into sets based on their preference and how well their personalities meshed.
Other companies had to draft people against their will and picked from who had open training blocks and if the company officer thought they would either do a good job or needed the experience.

The MIDN rumor mill is spreading that they're trying to switch it back to primarily 2/C positions, which I have mixed feelings about. Right now the only 2/C job is company admin, and that was new for 2015's Plebe Summer.
My personal view is that most rising 2/C lack the maturity to be detailers. Quite frankly, so do some 1/C. But at least they have another year of life and experience under their belts.
Never heard of anyone sent as NAPS detailers from 1/C sent to Newport. I do know some athletes that were sent as assistant coaches to NAPS after graduation and commissioning awaiting start date for certain schools. Wish we had known that billet was available. Could have had the Mid close to home for a longer summer. Maybe she had the chance and didn't want to be that close.:shake:
I did not detail as a 2/C, but did as a Firstie. I was drafted by the Company Officer. It was a blast, but it was a crazy amount of work and a challenge. I grew up fast during those few weeks. We were located next to the 4/C OIC and he had apparently caught some 2/C from my company hazing plebes (they were relieved), so we had some extra eyes on our company everyday. He enjoyed spending quality time with our company a few hours everyday. We also tragically had a death of my classmate during that summer. So as 1 of 2 firsties doing detail from our company we ran around trying to deal with inventoring his gear, shipment of uniforms to his family, calling companymates and get travel arrangements locked on for the funeral. It was an eye opening experience and one that truely shaped me.

I have mixed feelings about the 2/C taking back over. There is probably a 50/50 split on this subject. There is a large growth spurt in knowledge, experience, perspective, maturity, and leadership between 2/C and firstie year. In some regards it is good, because you have completed 2/C year where you really got to push plebes and have developed more of a leadership style. I think there is also a better perspective from firsties about why things are done the way they are and a better understanding for consequences to your leadership decisions. On the other hand, 2/C are hungry and ready to push like no other class. Be interesting to see what happens and the results.
Still trying to figure 1/C as detailer at NAPS? I think NAPS report date is somewhere mid to late August. Can't see a summer block for USNA reform that would coincide with NAPS I-Day? I do know that there are permanent party enlisted and officers as training cadre at NAPS. Anyone know if they could fit the time in for the second half? By the way my Mid was on a summer 44 up to Newport and said their rooms are a lot better than Bancroft. If detailing is relegated to 2/C what would be the expanded 1/C summer blocks?
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NAPS detail is during third block. There's a fair amount (don't know numbers off the top of my head) of MIDN detailers and it's popular among former NAPSters.