Fit Testing at USCGA


5-Year Member
Oct 27, 2013
Is the fit testing once you are in the USCGA the same as the applicant fit test?
ie: 2 minute cadence pushup, 2 min max situp and 1.5mile run.
My son is continuing to improve his fitness and wants to know what to expect.
Yes, the fitness test is the same and will happen at the beginning of the summer and right before classes start (after the summer). The fitness test entering swab summer does not really hold any significance and will be overshadowed by the one you take after the summer. However along with medical, the PFE is the only thing that can send a swab home against their will so it is important to pass. Luckily you only need a 130 to continue with the summer although I would recommend showing up with at least a 200. Anything under 170 and you will be singled out. In the end its not that big of a deal and fitness is only one of the things that makes a swab successful. Being a level headed team player who can make decisions quickly is much more important.
It was all explained in the big packet we recd the other day.
The packet wasn't really so big, until I started printing off all the forms that were hyperlinked! Now there is a ton of stuff to fill out.
Nice thing is they included a detailed 8 week workout, daily program, starting on Monday, May 2. This is designed to specifically help prepare for Swab Summer, nice!