getting denied but then accepted


5-Year Member
Apr 2, 2010
Have you ever heard of someone getting accepted after they were denied without being put on the waiting list?? Is this possible??
This happened once about 6 yrs ago. However, that was before the waitlist. Now, if you get a turndown, that's it. Unfortunately, the only hope is for those waitlisted.
When I was at NASS last year, my squad leader said his brother (who is a USNA grad) received a rejection letter in January, but was accepted in April. USNA told him the rejection was a mistake because apparently it was sent out automatically by dodmerb because he had yet to obtain a medical waiver. Everything worked out for him though because he's a Marine officer now! So to answer your question in short... yes it has happened
I suppose the occasional mistake is made. However, I've never heard of USNA changing their minds re acceptance/rejection -- IOW, making an affirmative decision to turn you down and then later deciding to admit you. That's one reason they wait until the last minute to make some decisions and why they have a WL. The WL is relatively recent (last 4-5 yrs) as far as I know.

One thing that CAN happen is that you are selected for NAPS/Foundation and USNA changes their mind and decides to give you a direct appointment to USNA.
Had one candidate who was turned down in early March '09 for the class of 2013 and 6 weeks later when checking the BGIS board noticed that an offer had been extended.
Never received any feedback as to the particulars. Candidate had not been previously wait listed.
Sorry to say but I've never in 15 years had a candidate who was wait listed who was later offered an appointment. :frown:
Yes. It happened to me -- not at USNA, but at USAFA, so there could be a difference.

I received "no" letters from all 5 service academies due to an issue with my medical review board. My USMMA recruiter (or Liaison Officer) was able to get to the root cause of the issue. This may not be the case now, but in 1995, I was taking allergy medicine and the review board failed me because of it. He instructed me to have my doctor submit a letter stating that I was no longer required to take the prescription medication and that I could use over the counter meds should my allergies flare up.

Once that letter was submitted, I received a medical waiver. At the time (not sure about now), the USCGA was unable to grant/use medical waivers. Within 24 hours of getting the waiver from the USMMA, the LO had secured my nomination from a neighboring district and it was a done deal. At least I thought for a few weeks I was going to USMMA. Once the review board had given me a waiver, I was back on the radar of the other service academies. That is when I received a call from my congressman's office indicating one of his nominees had backed out. It was 2 weeks before we were to report for in-processing and they asked USAFA who the next qualified person was on the list and it was me. I was then extended an appointment to USAFA and I elected to go there instead of the USMMA.

I did call the LO that made it all possible and even to this day I can not thank him enough for making it happen. I thanked him, and went to USAFA.

So, yes - there is a waiting list of qualified applicants. In cases where an appointee elects to go to a different school, they go to the next qualified applicant on the list.

Times may have changed, but I am certainly a lucky recipient of the qualified applicant pool.

Want a laugh? On in-processing day, you go through a medical screening. At that screening a doctor saw that I had a history of allergies --- and they offered me a prescription! Geez!
thank you all for the info. I appreciate..... I was just curious about this because when i received my TWE last thursday i sent an email to my MOC saying thanks for all the help. SHe mentioned it does not necessarily mean I will not get an appointment because the Academy still need to fill their spot with a 3q'd individual which I am. I just was not sure if it was possible considering the TWE said nothing about the waiting list.
As stated earlier, this question was one of the reasons USNA adopted the April 15 deadline on itself to identify those candidates it felt were competitive for an offer of appointment and instituted a Waitlist. While I am certain that sometime there will be an exception, in the overwhelming majority of the cases, I would not expect the situation you proposed will occur.
I was admitted to West Point and USAFA. 4 year Navy and Army ROTC Scholarships to Notre Dame (where I was accepted).

But denied to USNA?

I'm at a lost. I wasn't even waitlisted, and I even told them it was my first choice. (Had a nomination to USNA, USMA, USAFA
Getting Denied

to Academy Questions
Your end result here is not bad, at all. You get accepted to the finest educational institution in the country (in my opinion), Notre Dame (other than an SA) and get an ROTC scholarship, and two at that. Not bad, in my book, at ALL.
Thanks for your willingness to serve our country and defend freedom
Goof luck, God Bless and God Speed,
