good CFA scores???



basketball throw- 83'
shuttle- 8.3
pullups- 12
situps- 69
mile- 6:45

how does that look like? i just did them two days ago and now the wait begins...
Are the different exercises weighted differently? I know here in ROTC our mile and a half run is worth 50 points, with body composition being 30 points, and the situps and pushups are only worth 10 points each.
Yes, ROTC takes the AF fitness test. We take our own version where all 5 exercises are equally weighted
New Jersey

Basketball Throw 69
Pull-Ups 17
Shuttle Run 9.1 (I am terrible at changing direction)
Sit-Ups 90
Push-Ups 87
Mile Run 5:49

I do not play any sports to I made sure I did really good to prove I could handle the physical rigors of the Academy.

I recently finished the paperwork for the academy on November 7th. I have already received the status of candidate and was accepted to summer seminar last year. In addition, on my online application my nomination status has registered as received. (My congressman did not run for re-election so he did all the nominations early.) Am I essentially a shoe in for a LAO to the academy?
there honestly is no "shoe-in" for LOAs they are very few ever sent out, so, not to be Jonny rain cloud, but never expect to get one. you will just get too worked up over not recieving one.