Hair Regulations


New Member
May 2, 2015

I was recently appointed to USAFA and I have a question regarding putting your hair into a bun. Are super-thin hair nets authorized or are you only allowed to use bobby pins and pony tail rubber bands?

Thank you!
"If worn, hairpins, combs, headbands, elastic bands and barrettes must match the hair color (i.e., blonde, brunette, natural red, black, grey), but hair must still comply with bulk and appearance standards. Ornaments are not authorized (i.e., ribbons, beads, jeweled pins). Scrunches are not authorized."

This is the Air Force regulation on hair accessories. To see the whole thing, google AFI 36-2903. While hair nets are not specifically referenced, I would not recommend wearing one as it is a grey area and I have never seen one worn. If after basic you still are interested, I would try to get approval from your AOC or AMT (squad permanent party). Best of luck.
Actually, hairnets are specifically referenced in the AFI:

" Hair-Nets. Worn as required for health or safety reasons. Made of natural or a synthetic material; must be conservative (plain and moderate, being within reasonable limits; not excessive or extreme), solid color similar to the member's hair color, also strong enough to support and control hair and contain no metal fasteners. Hair-nets are only authorized when performing related duties."

I'm interpreting this to mean that you can't just wear a hairnet because you want to, but you'd need a reason (working with food, for example.) Regular cadet stuff probably wouldn't cut it as "related duties."