Hearing back from CC

JCleppe -- here is the post that made me think there is value is establishing a dialogue with the PMS/ROO:

http://www.serviceacademyforums.com/showthread.php?p=168705&highlight="cozying"#post168705 In particular: "After all the smoke clears from the third board, hopefully we will have the ability to offer what is left as campus based offers. At that time we will send the names of the most qualified (and most interested) applicants to our higher for the offers to be made. This is where the "cozying" will have paid off. "

Actually, now that I re-read it, it appears to apply to scholarships that are left over after the Board has made its decisions... which I actually don't understand at all :( I didn't know scholarships were left over for Battalions to apply as they chose.

Our son was awarded a 3 YR AD scholarship last year at the end of July (while he was off at basic training), and we never were clear if it was a campus based scholarship or from Cadet Command. When he didn't get the 4 YR, we let the ROO know he joined the Reserves and would be doing SMP. He was very helpful in answering questions and was excited to have him in ROTC after going through basic training. The scharolarship offer was very unexpected at that late date, and we always felt our son joining the Reserves and showing his commitment helped him get the offer. We believe continuing to keep in contact with the ROO and letting him know our son was set on his path with, or without a scholarship helped in the end.