Hearing loss


5-Year Member
Dec 29, 2011
I had very mild hearing loss and for some reason and I had to get a hearing aide for it as a child. The hearing aide somehow improved my hearing and I don't wear it no more. But most likely I have to get a wavier for it. Is there a timeframe for the last time you wore one? I don't see why they won't approve it. It won't affect any combat roles. Is there any advice for people who had or have hearing aides? What is the percentage of how many people recieve waivers?
I'm not sure if a waiver is needed or not, but you can go to DoDMERB's website www.dodmerb.tricare.osd.mil and check out the lists of Medical Codes and then do further research. Good luck to you, and as so many on this great forum say, you definitely won't get an appointment if you don't apply.
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