How Long Does It Take to Contract?


5-Year Member
Jun 4, 2013
I am currently in the process of getting everything ready to contract with my battalion. I have filled out all the paper work, done the APFT, and have gone to eye appointment. I just got back from my physical appointment today. The doctor I saw for my physical is right here on campus. How long will it be before I get called in to contract? My semester ends December 16th so do you think I will contract before that date? All I can find online is stuff about how long it takes enlisted soldiers to find out if they qualify and I can't find out how long the process of contracting takes for ROTC Army. Thanks!
If you had your physical today then I would bet it won't be this semester. What did your cadre/HRA/ROO say when you asked them, because I'm positive you asked them before you decided to ask a bunch of strangers on a discussion board.
because I'm positive you asked them before you decided to ask a bunch of strangers on a discussion board.

Clarksonarmy, you crack me up sometimes. :shake: