How to contact West Point about waiver


5-Year Member
Feb 8, 2011
Mid-January, I called DoDMERB about my medical status and was told my information had been sent to West Point for waiver consideration and was notified by West Point that the appointment for my district was being held for me pending the waiver decision. I was also told by DoDMERB that if my waiver status had not changed in a month that I should call back and they would give me the number for the doctor doing the waivers at West Point. A month later they gave me the number, but after several tries I was only ever able to reach an answering machine, leave a message but was never called back. I called DoDMERB again and was given another number, but still could only reach the same answering machine and leave the same message with no reply. Is there any other way I could possibly contact them?
Have you contacted your admission's rep? They may be able to find something out for you.
I emailed my admissions rep yesterday and was told he didn't have any information on my waiver's status and that the waiver personnel at West Point are extremely busy right now so they may not have time to respond.
The correct answer is to contact your Admissions rep; not DoDMERB. When a waiver decision is rendered, WP will send that decision to you via letter:thumb: