I need help

I'm sure that you are very frustrated right now. I'm praying for a speedy recovery for you.
Quit eating and drink liquids. Water for now and soup broth when you can keep it down. Try to go to the interview with an empty stomach if you are still nauseated in the AM. Good luck on your interview! :thumb:
If you are truly ill or have some other emergency then call. Most MOC's will give you a phone number to call them if something unforeseen happens. They normally will do their best to reschedule or even do a phone interview.
Good Luck!
I did not get back here as soon as I should have, haha. The interview went very well and I'm glad I went-I was told that I would be nominated to USNA and USAFA, which is my #2. It's not a close #2, but I'm still glad to have both nominations. Now, I just have to wait for the Academy to receive my nomination, and I don't know when that will be. Thanks to all for your concerns! I very happy I found this website!!!
MOCs don't have to turn in their noms until Jan. 31. Some do it earlier but many don't.
I am glad it wen t well for you. What state are you in? How can noms be given before all candidates are interviewed?
I'm in Iowa-not a whole lot of candidates I'm assuming. We were all interviewed that saturday, but I went last. Still I'm not sure exactly how these things worked although I'm trying to learn; chances are you know them better. :smile: