JROTC Honor Unit

Did anyone find the "rules"? My son's AFJROTC insturtor says the answer is "no". I know, call the AFA, he will tomorrow. Just curious if someone else already has called.

I asked my BGO exactly how my SAI should go about submitting and she gave me directions to the the website where he can download the form to mail in. You can get a nomination from a JROTC unit of the same branch or an Honor Unit to a different branch SA.

http://www.usna.edu/Admissions/steps4.htm scroll down to the bottom and they have a sample letter for ROTC/JROTC SAI to submit. if you click on it notcie it says either chenck navy/mc rotc, navy/mc jrotc or honor unit with distinction jrotc. Although ive heard just honor unit will do im not sure mines been honor unit woth distinction for awhile since before my SAI was there so hes not sure if honor unit will do.
honor unit

My daughter is in AFJROTC and is applying to the USNA. How can she find out if her Air FORCE JROTC unit is an honor unit to be able to use as a nominating source for the naval academy?