Labor Day Weekend


5-Year Member
Jan 22, 2010
I know, I know, PPW is barely behind us, but I was wondering if anyone knew whether Plebes have any liberty beyond the presumed Saturday afternoon Town Liberty?
They will have libo 1200-2400 on Saturday and then 1200-2400 on Sunday (maybe a little less on Sunday). No libo on Monday. All of this is subject to change of course as they are Plebes and have boards to do and signature sheets to get signed.
For the liberty that they may or may not have on Saturday and Sunday, will it be the 22 mile town limit or will it just be yard liberty? The football game is Monday in Baltimore. I'm assuming the plebes will be going to that game.
I honestly forgot about the football game so the Plebes may or may not have have liberty after the football game (Probably not because of school the next day and the game won't get over until late afternoon). My guess is the Plebes will be ordered to go on the buses immediately after the end of the game. As for the liberty on Sat and Sun it is town libo within the 22 mile limit (which if I remember correctly has actually been changed to tri-city area).