
Funnyesq, you are not required to read mail in front of cadre, but sometimes they made us open letters to check for pictures. If there wasn't a lot of time, we would just shove all our mail into our camelbacks, and they'd ask us to bring them any pictures after we opened them that night. Inspirational quotes were my the best. I would get one in every letter I received. Anything that you write to your DD or DS will be so appreciated. I had a grin on my face reading about my parents getting a new pool liner. And I have kept every single letter tied up in a stack. Also, don't be afraid to send fun letters/pictures! If your DD or DS wants to keep it, then keep it plain white and unnoticeable. If it's something that they want after basic, go crazy. We had a guy in my flight receive a huge Disney princess poster. Another got a perfumed and lipsticked letter from his girlfriend. Those laughs were some of the best. Communicate with your basic before and after they leave about what they'd prefer to receive. But honestly, as long as they have a letter in their mailbox, they will greatly appreciate it.