Meaning of blue sash


5-Year Member
Jul 2, 2012
We were viewing pictures of our daughter at BCT and we noticed she was wearing a blue sash. Does anyone know the reason for this? Thank you
Thank you, we thought that might be the case.
It is just a way of making it easier for the Cadre to keep an eye on her. They are trained in health and safety issues. It could be something like a cough or a sprain, or maybe she is having a little extra difficulty with the altitude adjustment. Helps them take extra care of her.
Thanks for the information. We are new at this and it is reassuring to know they are watching her health.
reply to sash question

Is your daughter still wearing the blue sash?? We were just curious because we noticed one on our son for the first time yesterday.

Blue Sash

Is your daughter still wearing the blue sash?? We were just curious because we noticed one on our son for the first time yesterday.


Our DS had one. He tweaked his knee about a week before reporting. He iced it for a day or two and then it felt almost perfectly normal. A few days into basic he showed up with the blue sash. He wore his like a belt. Then he showed up in WebGuy photos with a knee compression brace. Both the brace and the blue sash/belt disappeared after less than two days. He said that his knee had started to hurt a lot so they sent him to the cadet clinic and he was told that he pulled his Iliotibial band. This is a common injury to the knee, generally associated with running, cycling, hiking or weight-lifting. (Thank you Wikipedia). He seems fine now. I have seen many pictures of basics with the blue belt/sash so it seems very common and like they are just using an abundance of caution.
Our daughter was only wearing the sash for one day and she appears to be fine now. She made no mention of the sash in her letters but when looking back at her pics she looked pale a couple of days. We thought it might be altitude and hopefully we will learn more this weekend.
Just a little terminology, it's a blue reflective belt... Not necessarily a sash. :wink:
Blue reflective belts

I also read that all the basics wear the blue reflective belts in the later hours when they go to PT or Intramurals and also carry the yellow flashlights (not sure what the correct terminology for those are) so they can be easily seen when using crosswalks.
We did notice a large number of the basics wearing the belts during intramural sports. May I ask where you found this information about the belts? It is really helpful for those of us at home to be able to keep up with the practices the basics participate in. Thanks again for the feedback.:thumb:
When they all wear the reflective belts it means that they were up very early before sunrise and have not been back to the squadron yet. If it is worn across their shoulder they have limited capability, and obviously in the evening is the same safety reasons as morning.:biggrin: