Medical Status Question


5-Year Member
Nov 14, 2009
I have been accepted into the USMA class of 2014 but I need to send in my DoDMERB results before I can get my acceptance packages.

So according to DoDMETS, my medical exam and results have been sent to DoDMERB on November 23, but the DoDMERB website has not updated to reflect this.

My question is: how long does it usually take the DoDMERB website to update that information?

And after it updates, how long until I know that it has been reviewed and I have been deemed qualified?
This is the chronology our boy experienced:
Exam authorized 9/16
Med/Opt Exam scheduled/completed 9/30
Results received for evaluation Med 10/6 and Opt 10/9
Results sent to DODMERB on 10/9
Final: Status Reviewed and updated to "Qualified" 10/14

He got a little anxious about the time frame as I look at it now it really isn't too bad all things considered.