

5-Year Member
Jul 12, 2013
I have been disqualified by DoDmerb for having Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) in my jaw. This has never been a problem for me and it is healed. I am surprised that it even came up to DoDmerb. Is this minor condition easily awarded a waiver? How does the waiver process work for NROTC?
You should ask the mods to move this to the DoDMERB forum. However in case you don't want to move it. Basically, the answer is probably going to be the same; waivers are case by case, and you will just need to go through the process.

As far as the process goes, DoDMERB DQs, the branch waives. You don't request the waiver, NROTC will request it for you.
First off, let's not move every question that mentions DODMERB as soon as it's posted, this one's an easy one.
DODMERB is very black and white, you either have the condition or you don't. If the instructions say having the condition disqualifies you that's what they have to do. Unless you can convince DODMERB that you don't have the condition, then it's in the Navy's hands to either waive or accept the DODMERB finding. You are less than half way through the process, so don't panic. You should probably contact your ROTC unit and make sure they are tracking, and see what help or advice they can give you.
You're still in the fight.
I agree Clarkson. For future posters, do not try to cast a wide net by posting on every thread to get answers. I only write this because of 2 reasons.

1. It can be annoying to see every thread littered with the same question. Some posters may than started to ignore your post, thus your intention of getting more answers will not be fulfilled.

2. On the flip side you could also get too many opinions that could make your head spin even more. For example, NROTC may waive, but USNA may not.

If it is a DoDMERB question, than that is where you should really post it. There are some posters here that are in the medical field. That is the forum they will visit frequently compared to other forums like ROTC or SMC.

Posting on other forums you are going to get answers like clarkson and mine saying it is part of the process and you have to go through it, it is always a case by case scenario.