Merchant marine vs. Coast guard

After much soul searching I finally decided to accept my appointment to the merchant marine academy. Thanks everyone who provided all the info. It helped me decide but in the end after looking at all the pros and cons, merchant marine ended up as the best fit for me.

After much soul searching I finally decided to accept my appointment to the merchant marine academy. Thanks everyone who provided all the info. It helped me decide but in the end after looking at all the pros and cons, merchant marine ended up as the best fit for me.

Kellyjade, wise choice! Welcome to the USMMA class of 2016. :welcome1: Congratulations! Now go get your TWIC card done, and run... run more... do push ups (a lot)... (ie. stay in shape, lol) INDOC will be here before you know it! Congrats and best wishes!:thumb:

Its a scary, exciting, overwellming time right now. Sleep well and enjoy your last couple months of high school (or whatever). Youll have plenty of time to be nervous in July and the nervousness will quickly subside when you realize that your not alone.

Enjoy time with your family because you most likely wont be home for very long next summer.:thumb: