Navy Pilot Vision


5-Year Member
Mar 17, 2011
What are the vision requirements to be a Navy Pilot and a Blue Angel Pilot?

and can they be corrected with LASIK?
There are alot of intracacies involved with your question. The requirements for Navy Pilot and Blue Angel pilot are exactly the same.

Basic requirement: 20/40 or better, correctable to 20/20

If you have had PRK done prior you need a waiver for aviation. Applicants for pilot who have had LASIK are currently not accepted unless involved in a very specific medical study being done in the Navy.

Your pre-operative refraction must have been better than +/- 8.00 diopters (but that's the commissioning standard anyway).
what are the differences between navy and air force?

You'd need an Air Force Flight doc to be able to give you the full answer on that one. If I had my difference.
To pick up on one aspect of the answer provided by kp2001:

If you want to be a naval aviator, you had best not submit to LASIK without the specific blessing of the Navy, or you will find yourself disqualified.

A few years ago, the Admissions Dept and Senior Medical Officer announced that they were more inclined to grant waivers than to having young men and women undergo corrective surgery. They also instituted a waiver program that offered Navy sponsored PRK to prospective aviators if such were needed for them to qualify for aviation.

Not sure of the extent to which NAVY continues to subscribe to this position, but I surely would not doing anything with your eyes without getting a current, authoritative statement in advance.