Need a Waiver


5-Year Member
Dec 15, 2009
My DoDMERB status finally changed today, but not how I would have liked. I need a waiver for my allergy to wasp stings. (USNA)
1. Does this put my application review on hold? Meaning, do I have to be approved for a waiver before they will review the rest of my application?
2. I read that they will only give a waiver if you are being seriously considered for appointment, or something to that effect. Is this true?
3. All that happened the one time that I was stung, (which was last summer), was I broke out in hives. No breathing trouble whatsoever, and the hives went away in about 5 or 6 hours I believe. What are the chances that I might receive a waiver for this?
Thanks for your help.
I'll preempt Larry. Send him a PM to the email address in his sticky. Cut & past your questions, include your full name and last 4 of your SSN. He will reply!
1. Not quite sure what you're asking. If you have other waivers that you need, I'm not sure whether they'll process those without you getting this allergy in. As for the physical and other medical stuff, if they've sent you remedial stuff then they've probably already looked over the rest of your information- if this allergy is the only thing listed with your remedial packet, then you should be set. If you mean academics- DoDMERB medical processing has nothing to do with review of your academic stuff.
2. I think they'll start the process for waivers if you're qualified in all other aspects. Meaning, academically, your CFA/physical went well, etc. (For basis, I've gotten remedial information from USAFA even though I'm pretty sure I'm not a principal nominee)
3. It all depends on the severity. You'll probably have to see an allergist, and if he determines that your allergy doesn't impact your ability to function then I'm fairly confident you'll get a waiver. The academies don't really care about insignificant allergies (in my case to cats), they're more concerned about food and drug allergies and things that could make you unable to perform at your best.

And most importantly, talk to Larry Mullen. His name's all over the place, you should find his email pretty quick.
like they said...I worked all day in Wash DC and then drove to Norfolk this evening. "If" you send, I will reply within the next 24 hours:thumb:
What I meant in the first question was will pending waiver put a hold on the Naval Academy Reviewing my application, not DoDMERB. Like, will the Naval Academy review everything else then decide if I get a waiver, or do I have to get the waiver then they decide whether or not I get an appointment?
I have already sent you an email and called you twice this evening to answer your questions:thumb: