OK I give up

Just Dad

5-Year Member
Sep 14, 2015
Daughter and Wife are shipping off the Permit to Report Package today.

Both are stuck on NAVPERS 1070/602 'Record of Emergency Data'

The Checklist references 1070/602 but they can't find the form. So I've drawn the task of finding one. I found my way to the forms bank at Navy Personnel Command, but they don't list a 1070/602. I've found references to the form and instructions for filling it out (I think) but I can't locate the form itself to print and fill out.

Can anybody give me a vector to a printable 1070/602 form?


PS: Could it be that form 1070/602 is a form for active duty appointees ?

The Dog proofs all my posts
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http://www.usna.edu/PlebeSummer/_fi...S/14 PTR 2020 Item 14 Emergency Data Form.pdf

See this on the USNA.edu site. I am on phone and feeding dogs, so haven't looked at the form number - is this it? It's likely to be a local Navy/NAVPERS form used for accession to active duty, and rest of Navy uses online DD SF 93 or similar.

The PTR package is online, so you can always look there for anything gone missing.

Edit: My dogs bump the phone and impact my typing. Every time, of course.
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