Parent's Weekend

Just a small point of clarification, but they would want to talk with their cadet leadership rather than the AOC.

Guidelines are pretty straightforward.

If the 4* is out in town the expectation is service dress / blues. If the 4* is engaged in physical activity (i.e. taking a hike) the expectation is their PC uniform.

Do go to your cadet leadership first and move up that chain of command before you approach permanent party (AOC, AMT).

Otherwise you may face a CAT I offense for disregard of the chain of command and end up giving a short brief in front of the entire squadron.

Just like yours truly... :rolleyes:
It is pretty easy to tell which ones are the SMACKs running around...they have shaved heads and pimply faces and look scared. :)

(back in the 80s) I told my folks I wanted to get way out of they brought the camper and we stayed in a campground in Woodland Park....freedom!