Plagued with Injuries


5-Year Member
Oct 26, 2013
So, my shoulder has been hurting for the past 2 months, my right ankle is still healing from a sprain, and just yesterday I jumped out of bed and awkwardly fell on my left ankle and now its swollen. I dont know if it is a sprain but it still sucks. :frown: I am growing less and less positive as every second goes by... hopefully all will heal up in time and I will get to go my dream college. It would be absolutely terrible if I couldn't because of these extremely inconveniently timed injuries. What's funny is that I have never ever been injured before. No broken bones, tears, sprains, nothing. But now, all of a sudden, as soon as i need my body to be at 100%, I am quite literally falling apart. Sorry I just needed to vent. -_- Is anyone else in my situation....
I wouldn't say those are disqualifying injuries so why worry? You'll be healed in time for July 1st unless you keep stressing the injuries; even with those injuries I'm pretty sure they would let you in. Like your username says, stay positive and enjoy your remaining 3 months of freedom.
Could you clarify on non-disqualifying injuries?

I heard they kick you out if you cannot participate in plebe summer. I don't think anyone would be able to participate with a sprained ankle.

But this raises a question, in those I-day videos on youtube, I have actually seen several people with crutches... I always wondered what their situation was? Could those people actually have sprains but still be there without being kicked out?

Im nervous.
If you can't participate going in they won't let you in; the kids on crutches got hurt during PS.

Sprained ankles really shouldn't sideline you for more than 2 months at most, by the time I-Day rolls around you'll be ok. Just make sure you don't stress the ankle too much and maybe get a splint or something similar (doctor can help you with that).
Go see a doctor who in turn can refer you to a physical therapist. He/she can help you heal and strengthen your ankle in a medically beneficial way and do so as quickly as possible. You have plenty of time to heal and get into shape for PS.
Hey, don't fret about these small injuries. Go to physical therapy, rest up the injuries, use plenty of ice and just stretch before going to workout. I was one of those plebes on crutches this past summer, but I got injured there. As long as you don't have any serious injuries or broken bones you should be good to go by July and ready for I-day.
I feel the same way as you... I injured my IT band trying to start running and now my shoulder feels like I minorly tore my rotator cuff from too many push ups. I'm trying my best to train, but I feel more useless than ever. I don't know what else to do because I don't want to go to the doctor and end up disqualified because of it... This is my dream and I, like OP, feel like someone is trying to take it away from me.