please help


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Feb 19, 2008
This past week has greatly changed the way I thought my carreer was going to unfold. My original plan was the Naval Academy but recieved the bad news on monday of last week. Today I got news from ROTC that I got a 4 year Navy scholarship. So my questions are:
1. On the site it says that I have received the scholarship for . as the school. Does this mean they have not decided which school to give me the scholarship for or is this just a typo?
2. What can I expect at OCS?
3. If the scholarship says for "Navy option" does this mean that I can't opt Marine?

This past week has greatly changed the way I thought my carreer was going to unfold. My original plan was the Naval Academy but recieved the bad news on monday of last week. Today I got news from ROTC that I got a 4 year Navy scholarship. So my questions are:
1. On the site it says that I have received the scholarship for . as the school. Does this mean they have not decided which school to give me the scholarship for or is this just a typo?
2. What can I expect at OCS?
3. If the scholarship says for "Navy option" does this mean that I can't opt Marine?


Grats to you too Louis! I got notified today too!

i think "." just means we both caught it between updates. mine reads the same. i think within a few days, you might find your 1st or 2nd choice school there instead of the "."

Navy-option NROTC students do not do the OCS. at the end of your senior year, you are commissioned as an Ensign without OCS at all. you will need to go on the 3 summer cruises though. one each after your freshman, sophomore and junior years.

unfortunately, you can't do the marines. i specifically asked my recruiter about this when i first applied and he said that the Navy purposely structured the application so you were forced to choose between 3 things, regular Navy, Marines and nursing. you obviously chose Navy so you are stuck. i was told by the recruiter that i could change to one of the other 2 (marines or nursing) only if i were to 1st give up my scholarship.
I think that your best bet is to contact your recruiter.

If the scenario goes like it did with my son's scholarship, the recruiter will call and then a day or two later, the recruiter of the assigned NROTC unit will call.

You will be getting a full letter in the mail shortly.

Good luck!

This past week has greatly changed the way I thought my carreer was going to unfold. My original plan was the Naval Academy but recieved the bad news on monday of last week. Today I got news from ROTC that I got a 4 year Navy scholarship. So my questions are:
1. On the site it says that I have received the scholarship for . as the school. Does this mean they have not decided which school to give me the scholarship for or is this just a typo?
2. What can I expect at OCS?
3. If the scholarship says for "Navy option" does this mean that I can't opt Marine?


You will not be able to go Marine unless you chose Marine Corps option and complete Marine Corps PFT and such. I did Marine Corps option and the requirements are a little different than Navy, so I doubt you can do Marines. Oh and Congrats
You will not be able to go Marine unless you chose Marine Corps option and complete Marine Corps PFT and such. I did Marine Corps option and the requirements are a little different than Navy, so I doubt you can do Marines. Oh and Congrats


Turns out we are all wrong on this. A current NROTC midshipman on another forum said:
You can transfer to Marine-Option without losing your scholarship, all you do is put in a package and convince you MOI why you should be a Marine. We have one 3/C right now that is trying to transfer to Marines because of his experiences in CORTRAMID.
1. On the site it says that I have received the scholarship for . as the school. Does this mean they have not decided which school to give me the scholarship for or is this just a typo?

yours should have updated today- mine did.