Principal Alternate Nomination


5-Year Member
Nov 17, 2011

I had my congressional interviews on 12/3. I have learned today that I have received a "Principle Alternate Nomination" to West Point.

I understand that this is like a second place, and if the principle nominee steps down or is found disqualified, I will receive the appointment.

What I want to know is if the principle nominee does not step down, will the fact that I have a "principle alternate nomination" rather than simply an alternate nomination help my ranking on the NWL?

Does it help my chances on the National Waiting List that I have a principle alternate, or am I in the same boat as all the other unranked nominees?


CA-10 district

I had my congressional interviews on 12/3. I have learned today that I have received a "Principle Alternate Nomination" to West Point.

I understand that this is like a second place, and if the principle nominee steps down or is found disqualified, I will receive the appointment.

What I want to know is if the principle nominee does not step down, will the fact that I have a "principle alternate nomination" rather than simply an alternate nomination help my ranking on the NWL?

Does it help my chances on the National Waiting List that I have a principle alternate, or am I in the same boat as all the other unranked nominees?


CA-10 district

In the national pool, it won't give you any advantage. Congrats on your nomination!
Re-read your letter, or contact your MOC.

Did they submit Principal and alternates un-ranked, or ranked?

It makes a difference.

Ranked tells them this is my order. Un-ranked means WP gets to decide using the WCS for alternates, basically the competitive method.

Do the Sens from CA do the "spread the wealth" method? In other words, you have one MOC nom, and we will not consider you? Or do they allow candidates to be on duplicate lists?

If they do not spread the wealth and do not get an apptmt as an alternate, your WCS will determine if you go on the NWL. If they spread the wealth and you are on another nom list, you will live to fight another day before you go to the NWL on the 2nd slate.
It sounds like the MOC does a 'Principle with Ranked Alternates' slate and the OP is the #1 alternate but it's not really clear based on what the OP said.

If they do not spread the wealth and do not get an apptmt as an alternate, your WCS will determine if you go on the NWL. If they spread the wealth and you are on another nom list, you will live to fight another day before you go to the NWL on the 2nd slate.

Pima- I could be misunderstanding you here - but all candidates on a nom slate that are not the vacancy winner- go on the NWL (even LOAs). It's not an 'if' thing. Your WCS determines your rank on the slate if not a numbered slate.
I believe that Sen.s Feinstein and Boxer (CA senators) do not "share lists" because CA is just such a big state.

My MOC CA-10 used a Principle Nominee w/ unranked alternates. However, my ALO told me over the phone that it is out of character for his office to issue ranked alternates, and this signifies I was within "a gnats [butt]" of getting the principle nomination, and didn't want to merely give me an unranked nomination.

My ALO said he has spoken with the FW regional director and that he will do his best to get me in w/ a Principle Alternate Nom. If worse comes to worse and I am placed on the NWL, what is the percentage of applicants who usually get off of that list? Will a higher Whole Candidate Score be the sole deciding factor?

PS: I still have not hear from either Senator regarding if I even got a nom from their offices.

Thx guys