
Candidate visit weekend......a 2 night visit where candidates stay with plebes, go to class, meals, etc. Parents have a briefing, tours.
And are candidates chosen for this program simply because of high qualifications or do other factors also play in such as a unique background for diversity?
As a general rule, CVWs are offered to "highly qualified" candidates. What makes someone highly qualified includes a variety of things -- grades, leadership, athletics, etc. CVWs are NOT a guarantee of an appointment -- they are intended to help candidates decide if USNA is right for them. Many -- if not most -- successful candidates do not have/get CVWs -- it's really an availability/space issue.
As a general rule, CVWs are offered to "highly qualified" candidates. What makes someone highly qualified includes a variety of things -- grades, leadership, athletics, etc. CVWs are NOT a guarantee of an appointment -- they are intended to help candidates decide if USNA is right for them. Many -- if not most -- successful candidates do not have/get CVWs -- it's really an availability/space issue.

What if a candidate cannot attend, for whatever reason (financial, sports conflict, etc.)? Will that appear as though he is less "serious" than someone who does attend? Will it hurt his/her chances of appointment?
USNA recognizes that many candidates can't attend for a variety of reasons (athletic schedule, finances, etc.). It does NOT harm your application in any way. Most successful candidates don't have CVWs. Many have neither NASS or a CVW. CVWs are recruiting tools, not admissions tools -- they really aren't assessing the candidate during CVW.

If finances are the issue in that it is really not possible for you to pay the airfare, etc. you might have your child mention that to the RD. I know there is LIMITED financial aid for NASS; I don't know if it is available for CVWs. I would tend to think not but it wouldn't hurt to ask.