Reccomended Ccontraband for BCT

Bring moleskin. The cadre aren't out to get you, and the SMOs ARE severely under supplied. Also, share it with your roommate.
Don't bring more than you care to carry around all day 1. You will make a trip to the C-store a few days in, and if need be you can buy things like moleskin. (Although, from personal experience, don't try to buy anything pointy. Apparently safety pins can be used in suicides. Who knew?)

You'll get sunscreen. I think I used it twice. If I burned more easily (or was a guy, and bald for the summer) I'd have used it more. There wasn't much time.

Frankly, your cadre don't care if you bring moleskin, or band aids, or similar stuff. They DO care if you bring actual contraband that you shouldn't have--like candy, an extra watch, etc. Will they yell at you? Yes! About everything. Possibly including contraband. Don't sweat it.
Although, from personal experience, don't try to buy anything pointy. Apparently safety pins can be used in suicides. Who knew?
Glad you said that. I was going to bring a mini sewing kit but now I think I will refrain.