Recommendation letter question


5-Year Member
Jul 6, 2014
When I am filling out the "form" for the recommendation letters to be emailed to teachers, there is a text box that allows you to tie a personal note to the email that is sent. My question;
Will anyone from CGA read what I type in this? Could I put suggestions for the teacher to write in the essay or will admissions see this?

Thanks for your time. Hopefully someone that has direct experience or knowledge about this can chime in.
I wouldn't suggest anything to the teacher. It should be natural, not contrived. My son's ELA teacher wrote a disappointing letter, but his History teacher wrote a wonderful, glowing letter. It will all work out.
Make darn sure the teacher will write a strong review before you enter their name.
They had a good relationship. We were very surprised. I think she was busy, because he had to keep asking her for it....