Remedial Before Expected DQ?


5-Year Member
Jan 3, 2012
DoDMERB has reviewed my medical evaluation and ask for a remedial code R102.01 and also a remedial code R222.00. These codes equate to a 12-lead ECG and a scoliosis test. I'm pretty bummed out because the doctor I was assigned is the first doctor to ever mention anything about an irregular heartbeat and scoliosis, but what I'm really concerned about is that they didn't ask for a colorblind remedial. In kindergarten I found out that I'm colorblind, so I was expecting to need a remedial for it.

Since they did not ask for a remedial for the colorblindness, does this mean that they aren't going to DQ me for it? My optometrist did perform a vivid red/green test that I passed after failing the plates, but I didn't think that would suffice for DoDMERB. Basically, my question is would they ask for two remedials and then end up disqualifying me for colorblindness after the remedials are turned in, assuming I pass the remedials?

Thanks for any help/advice.
Yes, they would. I received two remedials, two days later, I was DQ'd for a shoulder dislocation. However, a day later, USMA requested a waiver for me (I am still awaiting the other academies to do so; luckily USMA is my first choice). So waivers are always possible. I am pretty sure, but not certain, that colorblindness is a DQ. You can check the list of DQ's on DoDMERB's site.
Did you fail the plate test in your Dodmerb eye exam? I saw on here recently that a candidate was told since September 1st they are no longer doing remedials for color deficiency, it is an automatic DQ. But I would think if you failed it in your eye exam it would show that on your Dodmerb status.
As for scoliosis make sure the remedial exam is done properly, if you breathe or do not stand totally straight the xray may take you over the max curvature.

Bullet many yrs ago when it was time for his commissioning exam was DQ'd for scoliosis. His parents took him to a specialist immediately and the doc's remedial proved he was below the standards for a DQ, that is how we know about what can cause the red flag.

As for the eyes, I would expect a DQ and than to go through the waiver process.
Yes I failed the plate test, which should be an automatic DQ for USNA. I expected it to show on my DoDMERB status as well. I guess all I can do is go through the remedials and then expect a DQ anyways for being colorblind. I've know for a long time that I would need a waiver for it, so it isn't unexpected.

Pima, thanks for the tips about the scoliosis test.
Not a problem.

What you need to accept is to get your dreams you have to go through the system for DoDMERB. Get your paperwork in order to defend yourself medically.

Besides that you just have to roll with the tide. Worrying about it will only cause wrinkles prematurely. Do what you can to reduce the wrinkles and accept what you can't!
DS did not have his color vision show up as a DQ until after we had sent in remedial info for another, unrelated item. It did come out of left field as we had never had any eye Dr ever say anything about it being a problem.
So, if you know you have a issue, assume the DQ is on the way until you get the all clear.