Remedial Question

Aug 29, 2016
My youngest son received a remedial to have his urinalysis repeated. He plays football so it's hard to find a timeframe avoiding strenuous activity...we did manage to take a Saturday and Sunday off and he took the repeat urinalysis Monday morning. Apparently, after this urinalysis, he is being asked to take another repeat urinalysis. All we know is that they need another repeat urinalysis and we don't know what would be showing up that triggers the request. We decided at this point to wait until the end of October when football is over before doing this again just in case the problem is protein.

However, I have another scenario and I'm not certain how DoDMERB would handle. I have another son who is currently on ROTC scholarship. He is a senior so he is completing his commissioning physical and they identified blood in his urine. He has had CT scans, cystoscopy, repeat urinalysis, etc and the physicians determined that there is no known cause for the blood in the urine. It could be exercised induced, there could be a hereditary factor. So they issued him a waiver based on all the test results.

Given my older son's waiver with blood in the urine, knowing that I have blood in my urine with no known cause, knowing my grandmother had the same....I believe there is a hereditary factor here. Without knowing why my youngest son needs a repeat urinalysis, I'm suspecting that he might have the same situation. I'm concerned that he might be DQ'd without going through the process of determining that there is no known cause.

Does anyone have any experience similar to this.