Review of past 2016 NWL


5-Year Member
Jan 7, 2012
Now that we are past the 2016 NWL can anyone give an analysis of how that turned out?
Also is it strictly by WCS or is geographical diversity entered into it?

about 1,700 people on the list... all nominated and 3Qd. You are ranked on the list somewhere between #1 and #1,700. About 350-450 people on the list will get an offer. Therefore, how high you are ranked will basically determine if you get an offer.

@Nick - curious where you're getting your stats of 350-400 coming off the NWL this year? I know that was more the case 2+ years ago, but from what we're being told as FFR's, there will be very few off the NWL this year. My perception (totally my feeling) from our info has been probably double digits. .

Thanks for any clarification