Future JAG

10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Apr 10, 2009
Hello all. Well, as I said on my previous thread, I was offered an Army ROTC scholarship. I was just thinking about life post ROTC, and I was thinking about how I would become a JAG. I did some research, and it turned out that I would first have to go to school in Virginia, and receive commissioning. However, what options do I have since I may be going in through ROTC? I know that my university has extended education programs, but, would I be allowed to enter one? Also. would the ROTC cover it? How would this all flow?

Thank you all for any responses
I do not know about the Army, however, for our DS JAG is his backup plan if he does not get UPT. The way the AF does it, is you graduate and receive your commission, you go through your assigned school(for your career field), after about 2 yrs you are allowed to compete for a law school position. This is very competitive. You attend law school as a commissioned officer, this is your 8-4 job. Once you graduate you have another pay back time period that runs concurrent with your ROTC commission, however by the time you graduate your first committment will almost be up. I.E. if law school committment is 5 yrs(I am not sure of the exact committment time) and you still owe 1 yr at law school grad. you owe 5, not the 1+ 5.

ROTC will not pay for it since you are a commissioned officer, this is why it is very competitive, b/c the Army picks up the entire law school tab and pay your salary.

At least that is how the AF ROTC route works.

Good luck!
Good Luck in getting the Army to pay for law school. The program is very very limited - regardless if you come from ROTC or West Point.
You will NOT go directly from law school, but serve as an officer for a couple of years and then be able to apply.
Each year 15 officers are selected for FLEP (Funded Legal education program).

There are different options - one is to use the New GI Bill - after ROTC serve AD for 4 years, plus 3 more years to qualify for the New GI Bill. Then you can get law school paid for as a civilian.
Otherwise you can serve 4 years, resign and go to law school on your dime.

If you resign your commission then you can rejoin the Army and direct commission to JAG.
Someone asked the Officer of the Day this same question at West Point last week during the overnight trip and one other thing to add to JAM's points, the Army will not pay for a private law school IE: Yale or Harvard, you must be able to sign up to a University as an in state student rate, even if you're not from that state. The Army has made arrangements with some state schools specifically for this program. It was funny when the OOD explained that you wouldn't have to eat Ramin noddles like the rest of the Law students, you'd be getting Lieutenants pay and school would be your great is that!
Wow. Thanks guys. You've really helped to enlighten me. I appreciate all of the help!