ROTC Transferring


5-Year Member
Dec 21, 2013
I am currently at a school that is far away from home. I am in army ROTC and have a 3 year scholarship. Is it possible to transfer my scholarship to another school? What is the process? Also, can I take next semester off and start again in the fall or not because of my scholarship?
I will allow others to chime in regarding the process regarding transferring the scholarship this late in the game.

And if you can take the next semester off or not.

You are in a det now, correct? I would pose this to your cadre. Nobody here is in the inner sanctum. Our posts are anecdotal at best. O.E we know someone that was able to do what you are asking, BUT the fact is that was the past, not this current DOD budget.

IOWs that and $1.95 will get you a Starbucks tall coffee.

You need to discuss this with them at your school, especially in these DoD drawdown times.

JMPO, if you don't do ROTC for spring, I would think the contract you signed last yr as a sr in hs. will be null and void. i.e you dropped out. Now toss my opinion in the circular filing cabinet (garbage can)
my gut response is that you are not allowed to take a semester off from your ROTC participation. If you need to separate from ROTC, you can do so (and there are repayment obligations for scholarship cadets after day 1 of MSII year), but you won't be able to re-enroll in ROTC after that. There are no "temporary leaves" for anything other than severe circumstances.

As for transferring the Scholarship to another Battalion, that involves petitioning Cadet Command. Cadet Command will interface with the losing Battalion, and gaining Battalion, to get their approvals before they grant theirs. This is generally for Budget reasons.
+1 to what Pima said.... Ask the cadre on campus. They will know and chances are, they will be willing to share the info with you.