Running Shoes


10-Year Member
Jul 19, 2009
Are these running shoes acceptable? I have a pair and they work really well for my foot shape.

Whatever works for you is great. Just make sure you break them in, and run in them several times before heading off to SWAB summer. Also, shoe manufacturers like Nike and New Balance recommend throwing out shoes after 300-400 miles of running. I don't necessarily find this to be true, but follow common sense. If your feet start hurting, you should order new shoes.
Also, if you are unsure, you can visit a nearby store specializing in running shoes. Just be careful, in all likelihood you do not need a very expensive pair of shoes and they may try to sell them to you (~ $70+).

End Transmission


Research at Harvard has been suggesting that cushioned running shoes have been harming our bodies more than protecting them. That is the chief reason why I switched to minimalist/BF running (takes a while though). That's right, I run in those things!

Sorry for my long-winded comment,


Quals. - XC runner for 4 years
What about me? I have rather high arches and it can become uncomfortable for me to stand or run for long periods of time, especially on my knees! Should I just get orthotics or some inserts for my shoes? Not sure how that'll work with steeltoed boots though... :rolleyes:
There are shoes available for people with higher arches, although they are often more expensive.

Brooks generally makes quality products. If you find a shoe you like on this website, chances are you can find last year's model at half price on other sites.

Brooks Shoe Finder:

When I bought shoes, I would usually get them at because of their lower prices

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What are the boots and cross trainers we are going to be issued like? should we bring padded insoles to make them more comfortable??
If you think you need them then insoles wouldn't be a bad idea. You will slowly break in to wearing the boots (the cadre will have you wear for an increasing amount of time per week) so they shouldn't cause too much trouble. You will be in the cross trainers most of the time so it is important that they are comfortable for you.