Scholarship from a school you were rejected from?!?!?!

Emailing should work - I emailed mine, and they received my scholarship acceptance letter and updated it within a few hours. ... just waiting on word of transfer now.

I would recommend emailing and mailing a hard copy just to cover your bases.

And make sure both items (transfer request and letter of acceptance) are in the same envelope/email. Don't want to take any chances of them getting separated causing confusion. They handle lots of correspondence.
Thank you everyone for all of the feedback! I will make sure to send CC an email containing copies of my acceptance letters as well as my cornell rejection letter (The letter I got send to include it), in addition to my transfer request letter. I will also print out hard copies of these documents and send them by mail as well.

Thank you all for all of your help throughout this process! I've got my fingers crossed that CC will grant me a transfer.
And make sure both items (transfer request and letter of acceptance) are in the same envelope/email. Don't want to take any chances of them getting separated causing confusion. They handle lots of correspondence.