Senior Class Schedule


5-Year Member
Oct 16, 2010
Here is what I am projecting for my schedule next year:

Honors Physics
AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics
AP Chemistry
Pop Music (have to take an art/music course =/)
AP English

Let me just note that I have not taken physics yet in high school, so I know I need to take it. I have taken honors chemistry though.

If AP Chemistry and Honors Physics do not work out, would it be better to drop AP Chemistry in order to take honors physics? or would it be better to take AP Chemistry but only take normal physics? Which is the more important class to take? (This was the issue last year with people's schedules)
Trust the fact that I'm admittedly no expert but to me it looks good.

I'm currently halfway through my senior year and my entire schedule over all three trimesters at my school runs something like:

AP English
AP Chemistry
AP Calculus
Honor Government
German 4

No matter what I tried I was never able to fit Physics into my schedule while still keeping all the classes I needed to graduate plus AP Chem and Calc. and I still got accepted. I will leave the advice to someone who knows the process a little better than I but obviously I was perfectly fine being admitted without ever having taken Physics.
You'll be fine no matter what you choose. They will not be so concerned with what classes you take as much as your academic rigor and final GPA and test scores. extracurricular activities are the next runner up in weight. The only personal consideration is having some knowledge of physics instead of starting it cold, but you'd do fine either way.

EDIT: It's early in Iraq and I can't type yet